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Active Access IAM - Manage Organization - How to Change your Organization's Security Administrator


Each organization must have an administrator responsible for managing user access within the organization. Occasionally administrators leave their companies without designating a new Security Administrator. Please follow this process when your organization's security administrator is no longer with the company, or no longer has access to Active Access, and cannot designate a new Security Administrator. 


If the current security administrator is still with your company OR there is another security administrator at a parent organization who  is still with your company, he or she can designate a new administrator following these steps:

  • Navigate to the IAM Admin Console
  • Click Administration> Manage Roles
  • Click on the Security Administrator link
  • Click the + symbol
  • Check the box next to the new security administrator's name. Use the filter function to  search for the desired user as needed
  • Click the Assign button


If the current security administrator is totally inaccessible (has left the company or is unreachable):

  • If the new administrator has an Active Access user ID:
    • Download the Security Administrator Change Form. 
    • Print and sign the security administrator change form
    • Have the change form signed by an executive of your company
    • Scan or photograph the form and send it to supplierportalsupport@opentext.com
  • If the new administrator does not have an Active Access user ID:
    • Register for an account. Be sure to register in the correct organization. The OpenText team will approve access.
    • Download the Security Administrator Change Form. 
    • Print and sign the security administrator change form
    • Have the change form signed by an executive of your company
    • Scan or photograph the form and send it to supplierportalsupport@opentext.com

Once the support team receives your Security Administrator Change Form, we will process it and respond within 2 business days via email.


  • You must fill out all required fields on the Security Administrator Change Form.
  • You must have an executive sign the form; OpenText will not accept the form if it is not signed by the new administrator's director/VP or Executive Officer.