ProviderLink - Onboard a New User

Introduction This article applies to Security Administrators . This article will describe the process of onboarding new users in IAM and ProviderLink. Details Onboarding a new user into...

Active Access IAM - Manage Organization - How to Change your Organization's Security Administrator

Introduction: Each organization must have an administrator responsible for managing user access within the organization. Occasionally administrators leave their companies without...

Homepage Alert

Active Access tip - Wondering where your applications are? Click here to read about restoring your favorite applications to your portal homepage. Need help with Active Access...

Active Access - First Login for Users Migrating from Covisint Supplier Portal

Introduction This article applies to all users who have logged in to the Covisint Supplier Portal (also known as Automotive Exchange) and will be logging in to Active Access for the first...

Covisint Connect and Supplier Connection Login

Introduction This article applies to customers and trading partners with access to Covisint Connect and Supplier Connection Web EDI. Since migrating to the new OpenText login, some customers...

Active Access - Portal - My Favorite Applications

Introduction This article applies to all users of Active Access and Supplier Portal. This article will guide users through adding applications to their My Favorite Applications or My...

Active Access IAM - Manage Organization - Reactivating a User's Suspended Service Package

Introduction This article applies to users with the Security Administrator role. Some customers use inactivity timers to suspend a user's access to a particular service if the user...

GM SupplyPower - Registering for Access to GM SupplyPower

Introduction: This article links to onboarding and registration instructions for GM SupplyPower. Details: GM has published instruction for GM SupplyPower onboarding on the GM SupplyPower...

Active Access Training

Introduction  This page contains links to Active Access training information such as live webinars , recorded training videos , and  FAQs Details   Live...

Active Access IAM - Manage Organization - Adding a New Security Administrator

Introduction This article applies to users or potential users in organizations with no valid Security Administrator. Each organization in Active Access must have an administrator who is...

Providerlink - Virtual Print Application


ProviderLink - Help - My Profile - Training Videos

Introduction The videos on this playlist apply to all users . These training videos are appliable to OpenText IAM login for ProviderLink. This playlist will cover: log in ...

ProviderLink - Onboarding Video

Introduction The videos in this article apply to new users onboarding to ProviderLink Details Onboarding as a New User in an already-registered Organization    

GM EDI Certification

Select an EDI Method Complete Divison-Specific Requirements FAQs EDI Certification Forms       Select an EDI Method You have two options...

GM EDI Certification for MGO, CCA, FZE and Indirect

GM EDI Certification Processes by System MGO CCA FZE Indirect Supporting Documents   Materials Global Operations (MGO) EDI Certification Process Important...

Adient Automotive Experience - Onboarding & Registration

Introduction This article will provide the steps for onboarding to Adient Automotive Experience Portal and E-PPAP application. Details Before you begin: You must have your supplier code...

Adient Automotive Experience - EPPAP Onboarding

Introduction Many Adient suppliers will require access to the E-PPAP application. The steps below are required to gain access to E-PPAP. Details In order to access E-PPAP you will need to...

Administration Tools - Check Your Company's Registration Request Status

Introduction You have registered a new organization, but the organization's request for access to the Supplier Portal platform hasn't been approved yet. Details Check Your Registration...

Providerlink - Manuals

  User Guides Facility Administrator (includes E-Forms Designer) This training guide is for facility administrators. It includes a basic overall introduction to ProviderLink and...

Forgot Password

Introduction: You have forgotten your password and cannot login. This article will provide the steps to reset your password. Details: 1. Navigate to the portal login screen and click on...