Providerlink - Training Materials for Home Medical Equipment Providers
The training materials below provide detailed instructions, information, and courses on how to use ProviderLink in your daily work as a home medicial equipment provider. Click on the Title of the training material to view the expanded list of available training guides, tip sheet, or WBTs (web-based training videos).
TRAINING GUIDESUser training guides and manuals provide detailed instructions on how to use ProviderLink in your daily work (users) or administer the ProviderLink system (facility administrators). You will need the Adobe Reader software installed on your computer to view and download the training guides. Click on the name in the Title column to view a specific training guide.
TIP SHEETSProviderLink Tip Sheets are detailed documents, which show you how to perform a task in a step-by-step manner. Tip sheets that pertain to all users are listed under "Generic." All others pertain to providers located in a specific state. You will need the Adobe Reader software installed on your computer to view and download the training guides. Click on the name in the Title column to view a specific tip sheet.
WBTs - Web-Based Training VidoesThe WBTs are training videos you view using your Internet Explorer browser. The videos are primarily for users new to ProviderLink to learn the most common features that relate to home medical equipment providers. Each video is a five to ten minute "Flash" movie, and requires a Flash player, which usually comes pre-installed in most web browsers. Click here to view the available videos. |